The importance of deloading
Recently I’ve been feeling overly fatigued. I was feeling stiff, hard and tired. So, of course, I went over my training log. Lo and behold, the answer was staring right at me: I haven’t taken a proper deloading week for the last 4 months. Big mistake. BIG MISTAKE.

Deloading is not an excuse to not practice. Photo by Fabio de Albuquerque Vialba
Deloading is crucial for any program (a key aspect in programming as I mentioned in my last post SECOND STEP). On this week you’ll rest, recover and lock-in your progress. While reading one of Pavel’s books (the original RKC – The Russian Kettlebell Challenge) he stated that one of the most effective ways to build strength is to practice moderation when considerably fatigued.
Basically your Deloading template shouldn’t be too hard to manage. I’m partial to the 50% in volume school. Others have thrived through 50% in intensity; some even with 50% of both. Whichever makes the most sense to you; all schools have something in common: It’s not the same as not doing it. This week should not be seen as a “no work out week”. That’s not the point and it will be detrimental to your gains.
The importance of Deloading is intimately tied with the importance of rest. But that is material for another post.
Hope you’ve found this article helpful in your quest for fitness and health!
Motus Virtute